Kriti Sanon received the National Film Award for her exceptional portrayal in 'Mimi' at the October ceremony. She met 'Pushpa' star Allu Arjun at the event, expressing admiration for his acting prowess. Kriti mentioned a potential joint project and praised Allu Arjun's intelligence. Kriti is leading Rhea Kapoor's 'The Crew' alongside Tabu and Kareena Kapoor Khan. She is also working on a mystery thriller, 'Do Patti,' featuring Kajol. Kriti hinted at an upcoming rom-com with Shahid Kapoor, set to release on February 9. She remained tight-lipped about an untitled film where she might play a robot alongside Shahid Kapoor as a scientist, urging fans to wait for the trailer. The futuristic love story is expected to bring a unique premise to the screen and might reunite Dharmendra and Dimple Kapadia after 33 years.